Ana-La-Rai Sparkles

Trusting Your Beliefs & Walking Your Talk

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Ana-La-Rai Sagle is a Divine Planetary Liaison, Teacher, Healer, Emissary of Love, and Universal Channel for many Ascended Masters, Collective Consciousnesses, and Enlightened Beings.

As a Universal Channel, Ana-La-Rai is unlimited in the Beings of Light she channels and works with, allowing for ground-breaking opportunities and profound experiences based on the newest frequencies available to Humanity and the planet.

Currently, she has channeled over 70 different Light Beings and Collectives. She acts as a universal translator for the highest frequencies available to support humanity and the planet during this time of Awakening. With Ana-La-Rai’s exceptional Clarity, there is no set pattern for what will come through during group sessions. The energy signature of participants contributes to the potential of what can come through in the moment — and the Guides always have something amazing to share!

Her continued journey has been years and lifetimes in the making but has been 20 years of deep focus this lifetime. Her story has just been published by Sacred Stories publishing called Meditation.

Ana-La-Rai lives with her husband Christian in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, BC.

Ana-La-Rai’s Free Gift To You:

Oneness — Experiences of Pure Connection

"I am Arandatac. I am an Ancient One and my lifespan is very different than yours. I have no beginning and no end. You might say I am timeless. [...] What we value most is pure connection — pure connection with all other life forms. The experience or comprehension and understanding of this is how we expand, how we grow, and how we learn. And this day I wish to facilitate pure connection experiences for each of you."
— Arandatac Arandatac

In this recording, Arandatac Arandatac will guide you through five exercises where you can practice pure connection. The purpose of this is for you to experience, remember, and understand oneness, or at least a glimpse of it. This recording is encoded in such a way that every time you re-listen to it, it allows you to deepen your experience.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!