Brittany Laidlaw

The EARTHED™ Framework and the Feminine Journey into Purpose

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Brittany Laidlaw is a Visionary Wild Woman with a unique talent for midwifing the dormant potential within women through deep nature connection. She has dedicated her life to helping people around the world transform their lives and local ecologies by reconnecting to the natural world and the wild parts of themselves.

Brittany is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over 11 years of experience leading programs across eight countries. She also has extensive experience in the tertiary education sector having led radically innovative post-graduate courses in Social Entrepreneurship and Holistic Design for some of Australia’s top universities.

Brittany holds a Master’s of Environment in Somatic Ecology, a Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Enterprise, and various certifications in rewilding, permaculture design, village building, and women’s mysteries. She is now completing a pioneering PhD in eco-somatics and has received numerous awards for her unique leadership in socio-ecological regeneration — including the inaugural Westpac Future Leaders Award and Prime Minister's Endeavour Award.

She is also the Co-Founder of Wildsong, a nature mentoring program for children & families, and Co-Founder of NatureCulture which offers immersive programs in nature that aim to bridge nature and culture, including the Wild Woman Immersion.

Today, her work primarily focuses on guiding women through the EARTHED™ Framework, an experiential map for entering into conversation with soul and nature, based on her PhD research. Brittany passionately describes this framework as the feminine path of rewilding.

Brittany’s Free Gift To You:

The EARTHED Framework: An Eco-Somatic Map for Rewilding Your Feminine Soul

Discover the map for unlocking your natural embodied genius and connect to your power as a wild cyclic woman. This framework was developed by Brittany Laidlaw as a part of her pioneering PhD in eco-somatics. The framework integrates comprehensive knowledge from somatics, neuroscience, ecology, women's health, and mythology, as well as first-hand experience with Indigenous knowledge keepers and world-renowned experts within the rewilding movement.

Brittany has spent approximately 8 years, 3 degrees (including her current PhD), countless courses, and thousands of experiential hours gathering and distilling this knowledge so you can get it for FREE (normally $97)!

This is the EXACT framework that guides all of Brittany’s in-person immersions which normally cost over $2000!

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!