Christina Pratt

Returning to the Sacredness of Healing in Modern-Day Times

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Christina Pratt is an author, teacher, and authentic, non-traditional shamanic healer — meaning she works directly with helping spirits within a set of skills, teachings, cosmology, and community that are not appropriated from other cultures or people’s traditions.

With online and in-person curriculums, Christina is a teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and practicality. Her mission is to help us engage the unique power of diversity and work collectively to engage the social justice challenges of our time with innovation, creativity, and restorative love. Together, we can create a just world where life flourishes and we hold sacred the responsibility to be ecologically and economically sustainable in our every action.

Christina is the founder of Last Mask Center in Portland, Oregon, offering her full live, online curriculum. Her healing services specialize in soul retrieval, ancestral healing, and pioneering new healing forms needed to restore sustainable health in our broken culture. Through in-person retreats, she offers The Cycle of Transformation Teachings — a challenging, five-year training in skills, teachings, cosmology, and community.

Christina is the host of the international podcast Why Shamanism Now, the author of the two-volume set An Encyclopedia of Shamanism, and a presenter at several Shamanic Summits, including those for The Shift Network and Sounds True.

Christina’s website

Christina’s Free Gift To You:

The Gift Not Yet Opened Podcast Series

This is a curated set of 4 free podcast episodes from the archives of Why Shamanism Now gathered for you to explore some of the ways we can open the "gifts" Life offers that we think we don't want.

Whatever the delivery of these strange gifts, they are from the Unknown. They are sacred and we must learn to unpack them.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!