Darryl Guy

Finding the Way in One’s Darkness

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As an international shaman and healer, Darryl Guy has had the honor and privilege to sit with and learn from some of the world's leading elders, shame, and medicine men & women from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, America, Tibet, Peru, and Uruguay. This has given him a unique skillset that allows him to adapt to client needs when necessary or needed.

Darryl does one-to-one healing that includes exorcism work and since 2010, he has been working in ceremony with his two master plants — San Pedro (cactus) and Los Santos Ninos (mushrooms), as well as assisting and co-leading month-long dietas.

From 2015 to 2018, he assisted with the Master’s program Svarta Speglar at Stockholm Academy for Dramatic Arts, using some of his workshop teachings. He is dedicated to his work and has a strong intent to help those who would like to regain a quality of life that may be lost or missing.

Darryl’s website is ThreeWorlds.se

Darryl’s Free Gift To You:

An Introduction to The 3 Types of Awareness

This video meditation is an actionable teaching of how to get out of one's head and establish a clear and deeper connection to Self, to others, and to one's immediate environment.

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