Kat Courtney

Why a Dark Night on Plant Medicines is an Incredible Gift

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Kat Courtney is a pioneer in the Plant Medicine space. She is a traditionally-trained Ayahuasquera with two decades of experience.

She authored Plant Medicine Mystery School Vol 1: The Superhero Healing Powers of Psychotropic Plants — a book about the sentient personalities of the entheogens.

Kat is the Co-Founder/CEO of Plant Medicine People, a company dedicated to cultivating sacred relationships between people and plants.

A trailblazer in Psychedelic Integration, Kat launched a coaching practice for ceremony aftermaths over a decade ago. She is a certified Death Doula and has spent her adult life cultivating a bonded and trusting relationship with the darkness.

Plant Medicine People Website

Kat’s Free Gift To You:

A video that offers an inspiring foundation around how to navigate a dark night of the soul. Whether you enter into the portal of a dark night with sacred Plant Medicines, or through the curveballs life throws us, these simple yet powerful tools are applicable.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!