Kedar Brown

The Initiatory Descent Into the Well of Memory, Healing, and Belonging

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Kedar Brown is the Founder & Director of Rites of Passage Council — an organization offering nature immersion ceremonial encampments around the world. He is an internationally-known ceremonialist, healer, intuitive, and teacher of psychological and spiritual awareness with over thirty-five years of professional experience.

Over this time, Kedar has developed an effective and unique approach to emotional and spiritual healing by braiding together his depth of clinical knowledge of experiential psychotherapies with more nature-based, indigenous wisdom teachings and healing methods from around the world.

In 1994, Kedar apprenticed with Steven Foster and Meredith Little at School of Lost Borders in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in the form and process of the vision quest ceremony and eco-psychology.

He has also apprenticed for many years with Malidoma Some, Ph.D., initiated elder and shaman of the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso, West Africa, learning indigenous methods of healing emotional trauma and relationship challenges through various forms of ritual processes and intuitive divination readings.

Kedar has also had the honor and privilege of learning many valuable insights into healing from his apprenticeship with Cherokee elder and medicine person, Will Rockingbear.

To learn more about Kedar’s personal story, you can view this short interview.

Kedar’s Free Gift To You:

Enjoy this free audio version of Singing Stone, a beautifully crafted drumming story of the initiatory journey as told by Kedar.

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