Marc Laurenson

The Healing Power of Astrology

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Marc Laurenson is the creator of Sydney Astrology School and runs his own consulting practice, Marc Laurenson Astrology. He describes his Astrology style as “Evolutionary with a goal of empowering people and guiding them toward more fulfilling lives.”

Marc is a popular speaker on the circuit including the ISAR Conference, FAA Conferences, Breaking Down the Borders Online Conferences, Synchronicity University, and OPA.

He has also written for many publications including Wellbeing Astrology and the FAA Journal.

You can learn more about Marc’s work at his websites:

Marc’s Free Gift To You:

Spiritual Healing Through Forecasting

This recorded webinar that Marc conducted through his Sydney Astrology School goes into depth about using your chart to connect with your Soul purpose.

Marc explains how we can work with the energy of the planets to help us understand the patterns that we are working with in our lives.

Important Note: This video file will download directly to your device.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!