Mark Steinward

The Core of Us Doesn’t Need Healing - It’s ALL Just ENERGY

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Mark Steinward runs the One Tribe shamanic school and is responsible for the content and course delivery.

Mark began doing healing work as a small child. At around 6 years old, he became very ill in Bali. His mother, a doctor, got him the drugs he needed. In the meantime, her friend did energy healing work and laid hands on him, Mark felt the energy instantly. After that, whenever he was unwell, he did the same energy-healing work on himself.

As a teenager, he would doctor the best rugby players on his team if they got injured. He simply never stopped doing healing work. Spiritually, he first trained under an Indian Guru who gave him shaktiput (spiritual awakening of the kundalini) when he was 11 years old. His mum tricked him into going to India talking a lot about the Taj Mahal and nothing about spending the majority of their trip in an ashram.

Despite rebelling against everything as a youth, he meditated obsessively through his teens which prepared him to meet his shamanic teacher in his early 20s called Sue. Mark trained with Sue for 10 years and was encouraged by her to begin sharing what he had learned in his early 30s. He has been teaching shamanic healing since then and is currently 49 years old.

Mark is very happy in all aspects of life. He loves sharing the shamanic path and has always been drawn to doing the deeper healing work through running trauma release camps, sexual abuse healing workshops, and early childhood trauma workshops along with the shamanic training school and shamanic clinic.

One Tribe Healing Website

Mark’s Free Gift To You:

Enjoy video and audio files of “Rewiring to Your Divinity”, the first of ten healing sessions from Mark's Shamanic Transformation — 10 Healings, 10 Days program.

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CLICK HERE to learn about the full program.