Michelle Clare

How 3 Near-Death Experiences Led Me to Discover the Power of My Soul

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Michelle Clare is a Certified Medium, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Energetic Healer, Intuitive Life Coach, and three-time Near-Death Experience (NDE) survivor. Michelle receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as Angels and Life Guides.

In a span of 11 years, she had three Near-Death Experiences. The first was in April 2000, the second was in May 2006, and the third was a monumental life-changing event in which Michelle suffered a traumatic brain injury on November 1, 2011. Shortly after this life-altering event, she started receiving information for other people from their loved ones who had transitioned. All three Near-Death Experiences were a reminder of an unconditional love and connection that surpasses our earthly life.

Michelle’s Free Gift To You:

Are you ready to connect with loved ones in spirit? It's easier than you think — they are ready and want to connect with you!

We all possess the gift of intuition and this FREE webinar will help you unlock your own gift within. If you're looking to connect to your loved ones in spirit, this is my gift to you.

In this webinar, you'll learn how to watch for signs from loved ones, create a sacred space to meet, and use binaural beats.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!