Michelle Lee

How to "Get Off" with Your Shadow to Create EVERYTHING You Want!

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Michelle Mary-Sophia Lee is the Co-Founder, with her daughter Megan Camille, of The Sophia Mystery School for Extraordinary People.

Michelle is a Women’s Empowerment Mentor and recently learned during an Ayahuasca journey that she carries the Mary-Sophia codex. She started on her soul’s path of empowering women by helping them to reclaim their power in the birthing process 27 years ago.

Michelle is a mystic, psychic, and direct conduit of Mary-Sophia, Mother of Jesus. She deeply understands that for humanity to thrive, women must first thrive. Michelle’s soul’s purpose and mission is to transform the female experience on Earth by helping women awaken to and embody their divinity, value, and soul’s purpose.

Her clients skyrocket their self-worth and confidence which then manifests as financial freedom, and purposeful, meaningful, and joyful living in all ways. Women working with Michelle learn to access, trust, and follow their inner wisdom to create the life that feeds their souls.

Michelle is the author of Fall in Love...with Your Self hypnotic journey mp3 and the creator of countless weekend workshops including “Mind Magic” & “Self-Love: How to Get There from Here”, and most recently her book, Women: From Profit to Power, Your Guide to Claiming Your Worth.

Michelle and her daughter, Megan, host sacred medicine retreats and spiritual retreats around the globe to support humanity in their awakening to the truth of their divinity and power. They believe this is required for the healing of humanity and our mother Gaia.

Michelle’s Free Gift To You:

Higher Self Wisdom Prayer

This is a prayer/declaration that Michelle wrote for herself to connect with her Higher Self so that she could live each moment of every day as a conduit of the Divine (God/Sophia/One True Creator).

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!