Robin Flynn

Entheogenesis & The Sacred Wound

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Robin Flynn, M.A., is a Hamiq and heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, New Earth mystic, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. As a ceremonial practitioner, Robin offers true and lasting experiences of healing and awakening through Earth-honoring reverence, transformational creativity, shamanic wisdom, trauma-informed ecopsychology, and the power of personal sovereignty.

Robin is bridging ancient cross-cultural shamanic wisdom, transformational art and creativity, quantum healing modalities, and Kamaska curanderismo within the dynamic evolutionary waves of the emergent global psychedelic renaissance. Her syncretic and integral approach empowers each individual to become the “shaman” of their own healing and awakening journey.

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Ecopsychology and Environmental Studies from Naropa University, and a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Good and Sustainable Communities from Northern Arizona University.

Since 1999, Robin has been mentored by beloved elders and generous wisdom keepers from South and North America in the art of ceremony. She is exceptionally well trained, has participated in and facilitated well over 1,000 entheogenic and shamanic ceremonies, and worked with thousands in her healing practice. She has seen firsthand the incredible light and staggering shadow of the psychedelic and ceremonial realm. From this first-hand experience, Robin co-created (with her husband Darcy Kopas) the “Resource and Empowerment Therapeutic Model” of healing, which bridges Earth-honoring Shamanic wisdom and leading-edge new science.

Robin is the Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary healing center. She teaches online and offers international transformational healing retreats.

To learn more about Robin and her work, please visit her websites:

Robins Free Gift To You:

Plant Spirit Medicine and The Sacred Technology of the Pachakuti Mesa

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