Robin Rose Bennett

The Wound Reveals the Cure:
How My Body's Pain Called Me Home and Led to My Path as a Green Witch Herbalist

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Robin Rose Bennett is a storyteller, writer, and herbalist. She has been offering classes in ‘WiseWoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings’ since 1986 at herb conferences, festivals, clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants.

Robin Rose shares herbal medicine with gratitude for the loving generosity of the plants and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life. She is on the faculty of the New York Open Center and the Arbor-Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, and is the author of two meditation MP3s and the books Healing Magic — A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living and The Gift of Healing Herbs — Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life.

Robin Rose’s Free Gift To You:

Ocean Meditation — Deep Relaxation

This spoken-word Ocean Meditation is a guided journey into the ocean with the sounds of the waves and sea birds in the background. It is the perfect choice for when you wish to release tension and drop your cares and worries for a while.

Relax. Soothe your soul as you bathe in Mother Ocean in your imagination. Release mental and emotional heaviness, clear your mind, and uplift your heart.

This is the next best thing to immersing yourself in the sea. It is relaxing, refreshing, and replenishing.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!